DEC 24, 2023
December 24, 2023
Celebrate Christ ? Jesus is the reason that I can say that you are now my righteousness. Jesus came to redeem man and to set men free. Jesus came to make it possible for Heaven to be populated with my creation. Jesus is the reason that you can have anything from the Father and the holy Spirit came to live in you. Hell is populated but so Is Heaven. Celebrate the words of the angel. Celebrate who you are in Christ! Let the Love of Jesus flow in your life today!
I am no longer the Babe of Bethlehem- Back then the babe had a miraculous birth and angels, shepherds and wise men came to see him. People from all walks of life wanted to know the baby Jesus. I am now the one who came and died and rose again. Soon I will come to take home the ones that have accepted my gift of Salvation. I am the one who died at Calvary and set people free. I made it possible for you to be right in my sight. I am now the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords for I am the one who can see that you belong to me. God wants Heaven to be full of my creation for in me there is fullness of joy for the angels rejoice over one sinner that repents!
Season of Giving- give and learn to be generous with your gifts. Give out of love and not out of obligation for when you give do so with a heart of a servant. Learn to love to give and emulate the Son, who constantly gives to set others free. This is the time you can give and do not worry about the cost. Give and it will be given to you again. Give with joy for in giving you love others and when you love others I am honored and blessed! Give freely says the Lord and in giving you let people know that you honor me! So, give my child and do so in a spirit of joy says the Lord! Give and trust that it will be given to you again!
These prophecies are copyrighted @2023 and are the property of the Pastor of this church Apostle/Pastor/Teacher-Rev. Dr. Don Carson. Used by permission only. We meet Sundays @ 11 AM and would like to have you join us ?go to www.wordofgracefellowship.com and for more information contact Pastor Don through FB at Pastor Don Carson.
Rev. Dr. Don W. Carson
Word of Grace Fellowship
Church website - www.wordofgracefellowship.com