anuary 19, 2025
January 19, 2025
I will Keep You – there is much that goes on in your life. Some things are beyond your control and that is why you must lean on Me. I am the source for all things and the reason you must rely on Me. Rely on me for your salvation and rely on me for the things in this life! Rely on me no matter what is happening in your life today! Speak to the problems that come up for in doing so you will learn how to walk in the new life I provided and to speak the way that I speak for that is how you create things to prosper!
I have Come- The answer has already come for you and you do not have to seek it. Say what you were told for when you speak the answer then you can see the answer but when you speak the problem then you can see the problem. What you speak magnifies in your life! Do not limit me says the Lord for I am the way the truth and the life! No weapon will prosper against you so speak my Word and allow me to open doors into your life!
The Answer is in my Word– Too many of my children speak like others speak but I desire that they change their mind and speak like I have spoken. When you learn the ways of the kingdom and walk in a kingdom mindset then you have kingdom things! Love like the King. Speak like the King. Walk like the King! Be strong in the power of his might. Do like I do for greater than this shall you do! Be like King David or Abraham for the saints are given to you as examples as to walk in the power of my Word in this life!
These prophecies are copyrighted @2025 and are the property of the Pastor of this church Apostle/Pastor/Teacher-Rev. Dr. Don Carson. Used by permission only. We meet Sundays @ 11 AM and would like to have you join us –go to and for more information contact Pastor Don through FB at Pastor Don Carson.