October 20, 2024   
Speak up to my People – My son speak to the people about grace. You were called to speak grace for grace sets people free. Do not allow bondage to continue to those that I have put under your care. Listen to my people and trust that I will provide for them. I am the answer and you must go to them speaking grace and freedom. Grace and freedom go together and when they receive grace then they will receive freedom. Speak and put the devil in his place. The devil lost at the cross and cannot win against those that trust ME!




Fellowship with the Spirit- The answers do not come from what you read but from who you fellowship with. When you fellowship with me then you will get my answers to your problems so that you can speak my answers and not your problems. Speak the Word to the problem and not the problem! Speak and command the Word into your life! Speak the answer and trust me to provide the need! Speak healing not sickness! Speak prosperity not lack! Speak my favor into your life! Speak and expect the miracle so you can learn to walk in the provision. There is power in your words my child! Create with your words for you have the creative power of my Word living within you!





Walk like ME! -  You are created to walk like I walk and speak like I speak! You are created in my image so you can think like I think and do what I do! You are created to be an imitation of your Father and not to be like the world! You are created brand new for you are a Christian which means to be like Christ! Demonstrate my power in your life. You are not limited by what is wrong with your body or your finances for you are able to walk in the supernatural but most of my people allow the natural to give them limitations. Let go of the bondage and walk knowing that the Greater One lives within you! Walk in power and authority and speak with power and authority! This is the way of God so walk in it!





These prophecies are copyrighted @2024 and are the property of the Pastor of this church Apostle/Pastor/Teacher-Rev. Dr. Don Carson. Used by permission only.  We meet Sundays @ 11 AM and would like to have you join us –go to www.wordofgracefellowship.com and for more information contact Pastor Don through FB at Pastor Don Carson.